Want to see Ratnkunj in action?
- Raise and send invoices against all or selected flats.
- Set up Recurring Invoices to be sent out automatically on a given date of every month.
- Auto-Calculate late payment charges using Neighbium application.
- Also, collect payments from members using our Payment Gateway with zero manual intervention and zero convenience charge.
- Also, for overdue invoices Send an Email / SMS / In-App push notification reminders.
- Automated Journal and Ledger Entries.
- Quick Action Center for Recurring Transactions.
- GST Ready Solution.
- Auto Preparation of Receipt & Payment, Income & Expenditure & Balance Sheet.

- Members can track the progress on a ticket and add media images and comments to the complaint or suggestion.
- Members can close the Tickets related to their Flats (Personal Complaints) or Community Tickets (Common Complaints) raised by them.
- Admin can assign the ticket to the concerned team or Admin can create Tickets on behalf of Members.
- For Personal Complaints, only Admin and a complaint owner can add comments, see progress and change status.
- For Community Complaints, any member can add comments and see progress. Only Admin & complaint owners can change status.
- Automated Email, SMS and Notification will be sent to all society members.
- Members will see the Notice on their Action Center until they read it.
- System will inform the administrator on how many members have read the Notice.
- System will auto translate the notice into phone language.

- App Auto-filled the details of frequent visitors.
- Search and fetch visitor information instantly.
- Call Residents directly from the app.
- Conduct analysis/reporting of visitor data quickly and easily.
- Visitor Approval request is initiated when any guest arrives at any flat.
- Get an Automated attendance sheet of all staff.
- Add and update Staff members of your Society staff like Security Guards, Maids, Electrician, Plumber, Gardner, Sweepers, Drivers, etc.
- Add Staff photos with ID Proof.

- Management can define bookable time slots with Pricing
- Pricing per 30 min
- Pricing hourly
- Pricing for the whole day.
- Society Members can book society defined resources.
- System will automatically generate Payment Request against the flat if the cost is associated with using that facility.
- Members can pay for using the Facility via App.
- Get SMS, EMAIL and Push Notification for every Alert.
- Our action based user interface guide Administrator and residents to take action on pending items.
- Admin will receive the notification whenever
- Society member wants to join the Society
- Maintenance Payment Received from members
- Product License about to Expire.
- On Creation of a New Help-desk Ticket.
- To create Society Bank Account for Payments
- Society Residents will receive all notifications like new notices, pending payments, polls, and expired apartment documents that are delivered right on the main page to take necessary actions.
- Residents will also receive emails for Pending Payments, Society Notices, Payment Receipts, Pending Rent Agreement, Police Verification Agreement submission, etc.

- A tenant should provide Police Verification Certificate
- Resident should provide a document or certificates as a request by the management.
- Resident will get the reminder mail and notifications to upload the latest document when the document is about to expire./li>
- A tenant should provide a Rent Agreement Document
- Members can create chat groups of common interests.
- A default chat group is created between Management and Apartment to quickly resolve issues.
- Members can opt to subscribe and unsubscribe for the chat groups.
- Attach photos, contacts, smiley’s or video’s over chat.
- Directly share any information from Whats-app to Neighbium App and vice versa.
- Connect and communicate with neighborhood societies.

- Create polls with multiple options to be voted by Society members on any topic, issues or Elections.
- Members can cast vote by selecting one of the options.
- Set Poll end date and time. A poll will be auto closed on the given date/time.
- Admin can able to see how many members have participated in the polls
- During the ongoing Poll
- After the closure of Poll.
- Create Meetings, select Participants, Agenda, Discussion and Action Items.
- Schedule a meeting only with the management committee.
- Minutes of meeting (MOM) can be recorded during the meeting and it will be automatically shared with members.
- Admin can send a custom reminder for the upcoming meeting.
- The system will send SMS, email, and Notification to all participants on:
- New meeting request.
- Reschedule of meeting.
- Update of meeting details like Agenda, MOM, etc.
- Cancellation of meeting.