Want to see Ratnkunj in action?

Automated Maintenance Billing
Automated Maintenance Billing systems eliminate manual work and streamline the task. 100% Automated Society Billing & Collections with Zero Convenience Charge, Unlimited Free support, and Maintenance.
  • Raise and send invoices against all or selected flats.
  • Set up Recurring Invoices to be sent out automatically on a given date of every month.
  • Auto-Calculate late payment charges using Neighbium application.
  • Also, collect payments from members using our Payment Gateway with zero manual intervention and zero convenience charge.
  • Also, for overdue invoices Send an Email / SMS / In-App push notification reminders.
Automated Society Accounting
Automated Society Accounting system has been designed to ensure ease of accounting use with all possible features for a society. One man can handle all Society accounting jobs easily with this software application.
  • Automated Journal and Ledger Entries.
  • Quick Action Center for Recurring Transactions.
  • GST Ready Solution.
  • Auto Preparation of Receipt & Payment, Income & Expenditure & Balance Sheet.
"You do not need an Accounting Background for maintaining housing society accounts anymore."
Society Help-desk / Complaint Management
Members can report the problems to Society Management.
  • Members can track the progress on a ticket and add media images and comments to the complaint or suggestion.
  • Members can close the Tickets related to their Flats (Personal Complaints) or Community Tickets (Common Complaints) raised by them.
  • Admin can assign the ticket to the concerned team or Admin can create Tickets on behalf of Members.
  • For Personal Complaints, only Admin and a complaint owner can add comments, see progress and change status.
  • For Community Complaints, any member can add comments and see progress. Only Admin & complaint owners can change status.
“Central tracking of Complaints and Suggestions from Society Members."
Digital Society Notice
Society Admin and Manager can publish Notice to all Society Members.
  • Automated Email, SMS and Notification will be sent to all society members.
  • Members will see the Notice on their Action Center until they read it.
  • System will inform the administrator on how many members have read the Notice.
  • System will auto translate the notice into phone language.
“Publish Notice and Reach all members."
Visitor Management
Capture visitor photos along with the visitor details like Name, Flat to visit, purpose, vehicle number, entry gate, entry time, visitor address etc.
  • App Auto-filled the details of frequent visitors.
  • Search and fetch visitor information instantly.
  • Call Residents directly from the app.
  • Conduct analysis/reporting of visitor data quickly and easily.
  • Visitor Approval request is initiated when any guest arrives at any flat.
“Enhance Security and reduce the time & effort to enroll visitors."
Staff Management with Biometric Support
Staff entry with a Bio-metric scanning device. Staff will put their finger on a Bio-metric device and the system will update attendance and inform Flat members and Management committee on their arrival.
  • Get an Automated attendance sheet of all staff.
  • Add and update Staff members of your Society staff like Security Guards, Maids, Electrician, Plumber, Gardner, Sweepers, Drivers, etc.
  • Add Staff photos with ID Proof.
Resources And Facility Booking
Add new Facilities of your Society Complex.
  • Management can define bookable time slots with Pricing
    • Pricing per 30 min
    • Pricing hourly
    • Pricing for the whole day.
  • Society Members can book society defined resources.
  • System will automatically generate Payment Request against the flat if the cost is associated with using that facility.
  • Members can pay for using the Facility via App.
Automated Alerts & Notification
  • Get SMS, EMAIL and Push Notification for every Alert.
  • Our action based user interface guide Administrator and residents to take action on pending items.
  • Admin will receive the notification whenever
    • Society member wants to join the Society
    • Maintenance Payment Received from members
    • Product License about to Expire.
    • On Creation of a New Help-desk Ticket.
    • To create Society Bank Account for Payments
  • Society Residents will receive all notifications like new notices, pending payments, polls, and expired apartment documents that are delivered right on the main page to take necessary actions.
  • Residents will also receive emails for Pending Payments, Society Notices, Payment Receipts, Pending Rent Agreement, Police Verification Agreement submission, etc.
“Get Alerts for every Society News and Events."
Society Compliance
  • A tenant should provide Police Verification Certificate
  • Resident should provide a document or certificates as a request by the management.
  • Resident will get the reminder mail and notifications to upload the latest document when the document is about to expire./li>
  • A tenant should provide a Rent Agreement Document
“Follow the rule of the Society and stay disciplined."
Society Chat & Inter Society Chat
Society residents can interact with each other without sharing their contact details.
  • Members can create chat groups of common interests.
  • A default chat group is created between Management and Apartment to quickly resolve issues.
  • Members can opt to subscribe and unsubscribe for the chat groups.
  • Attach photos, contacts, smiley’s or video’s over chat.
  • Directly share any information from Whats-app to Neighbium App and vice versa.
  • Connect and communicate with neighborhood societies.
“Private Social Network for Society Residents.”
Society Polls Management
  • Create polls with multiple options to be voted by Society members on any topic, issues or Elections.
  • Members can cast vote by selecting one of the options.
  • Set Poll end date and time. A poll will be auto closed on the given date/time.
  • Admin can able to see how many members have participated in the polls
    • During the ongoing Poll
    • After the closure of Poll.
“Make your voice heard by participating in the Society Polls."
Society RWA Meetings
  • Create Meetings, select Participants, Agenda, Discussion and Action Items.
  • Schedule a meeting only with the management committee.
  • Minutes of meeting (MOM) can be recorded during the meeting and it will be automatically shared with members.
  • Admin can send a custom reminder for the upcoming meeting.
  • The system will send SMS, email, and Notification to all participants on:
    1. New meeting request.
    2. Reschedule of meeting.
    3. Update of meeting details like Agenda, MOM, etc.
    4. Cancellation of meeting.
“Invite and Conduct General Meeting fast and easy.”